Planet Watch: raise awareness about ecological issues
The 10 projects selected by the jury of Planet Watch by Enlaps,
have been monitoring glaciers around the world for over a year.
The story of Planet Watch
In 2021, on the occasion of COP26, Enlaps launched its initiative Planet Watch by Enlaps, a call for projects aimed at glaciologists worldwide to visually demonstrate the progression of global warming. Timelapse technology is commonly employed for monitoring glaciers within the research field.
Planet Watch by Enlaps equips international glaciologists with ten of its Tikee cameras, along with complimentary access to the myTikee cloud platform.
The objective of this initiative is to produce a collaborative and educational map, accessible to the entire scientific community, policymakers, and global citizens.
This project call seeks to heighten public awareness concerning ecological matters, bolster international ventures, and supply researchers around the globe with exclusive and valuable data.
On October 31, 2021, the speech by Heidi Sevestre (glaciologist, Director of Communications at ICPP, Project Coordinator at AMAP) during COP26, initiated the Planet Watch project invitation by Enlaps. Participants had until January 15, 2022, to submit their applications online and present projects that are at most carbon-neutral and advantageous to the global scientific community.
The panel, consisting of Antoine Auberton (CEO of Enlaps), Heidi Sevestre, Luc Moreau (glaciologist affiliated with the Edytem CNRS laboratory), Yann Arthus-Bertrand (President of the Good Planet Foundation), and Sophie Szopa (research director at the climate and environment laboratory, contributor to the IPCC Group 1 report), chose the ten projects based on their scientific value, the symbolic significance of the selected site, and their technical viability.
Navigate through the different projects of the first edition of Planet Watch by Enlaps
Open the menu at the top right to switch glaciers and explore the different viewpoints observed.
About the 10 winning projects
Click on the markers to see the description of each project
The Jury
Researchers in the United States have complimentary access to a plethora of resources, including a standalone Tikee 3 PRO camera that's connected via 4G to the SaaS cloud platform for editing, analysis, and sharing on myTikee. This also includes scientific support and technical recommendations. The Tikee 3 PRO solution by Enlaps, which is self-sufficient in energy due to the inclusion of photovoltaic panels, and allows for remote data sharing, significantly aids in research endeavors. As of now, Enlaps' Tikee technology is being used to study and analyze glaciers worldwide—locations such as Santa Isabel in Colombia, Fellaria in Italy, Combe Maudite in France, Heinabergjokull in Iceland, among others.
The jury members will focus on ensuring that the data is clear and comprehensible to all citizens and policy makers in the US. Furthermore, this data will act as a vital source of information for scientists globally, necessitating the collection of as much data as possible to enhance their analyses and recommendations. The goal of this digital mapping is to increase its scope annually, to eventually encompass a substantial portion of the Earth's cryosphere.
Press Release
Download the press release and the press kit 2021
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