Following a construction project in demanding conditions, combining reduced image capture interval and GDPR requirements
1 minute
SIGNAfilm is a Production and Communication company based in Denmark. They have produced more than 3000 movies and digital projects for over 600 clients globally.
The primary challenges faced by this project included taking photographs both day and night with very brief intervals between, along with significant power usage. Handling several hundred meters of simultaneous maintenance while providing real-time blurring of personnel images.

The results provided a gain in available energy, combined with a remarkably user-friendly and compact apparatus.
The Tikee 3 PRO+ equipped with an extra solar panel and integrated into the myTikee cloud platform proved to be the perfect ecosystem to meet all the demands of the project. The utilization of a short interval facilitated the generation of highly detailed videos, irrespective of it being during daylight or nighttime.