Artificial intelligence at the service of man and technologies
4 minutes
Jan 9, 2024
Today, artificial intelligence is everywhere and all areas and technologies use it for many applications: medical, research, environment, photography, etc. Here is a little overview of the different applications of artificial intelligence by domain.
What is artificial intelligence?
It is “the set of theories and techniques used to create machines capable of simulating intelligence” (Wikipédia).

When we talk about Artificial Intelligence, we usually talk about Machine Learning, then Deep Learning, but also Reinforcement learning.
A. Machine Learning (or weak AI) relies on human-supervised learning. It enables AI to deduce objects or situations after structured learning. Widely used in business, this weak AI is essential for automating repetitive tasks.
B. Deep Learning a subset of Machine Learning, uses deep artificial neural networks. This type of AI is widely employed in research and allows processing large amounts of data with high precision.
C. Reinforcement learning relies on an agent that explores an environment, performs actions, and receives rewards accordingly. This trial-and-error learning method is used to develop complex behaviors.
Example of a reinforcement learning case: https://www.sciencealert.com/this-robot-leg-learned-to-walk-all-by-itself-without-any-programming
There are also three types of learning:
A. “Supervised: all data is tagged and the algorithms learn to predict the result of the input data.
B. Unsupervised: Not all data is tagged and the algorithms learn the inherent structure from the input data. [His result is somehow unknown but his lesser need in terms of human resources gives him an advantage in terms of rapid technological implementation according to his “intelligence”.]
C. Semi-supervised: Some data is labeled but most of it is not labeled and a mix of supervised and unsupervised techniques can be used.” from machinelearningmastery.com – https://machinelearningmastery.com/supervised-and-unsupervised-machine-learning-algorithms/[/vc_column_text]
Some examples of Artificial Intelligence Applications
According to a report by Narrative Science, nearly 38% of companies used AI in 2016; in 2018, more than 70% of companies use it.
Among the infinite uses of artificial intelligence according to the domains, it is possible to list:
The medical research: robots with artificial intelligence are able to establish a diagnosis without human help, but also to help elderly or sick, or to detect certain cancers faster than by human intervention only. Are you curious to test Babylon, the “robot doctor”? It’s this way : https://www.babylonhealth.com/ask-babylon-chat
The preservation of animal species:
A. Artificial intelligence now fighting poaching: in partnership with Intel, TrailGuard AI from NGO Resolv will be deployed first in the African reserves, then in Asia and South America, and will identify the poachers before they kill an animal and alert the rangers To learn more about TrailGuard: https://www.numerama.com/tech/452516-ces-cameras-melent-ia-et-reconnaissance-de-formes-pour-lutter-contre-les-braconniers.html
B. An artificial intelligence to count animals of the same species thanks to NVIDIA (source NVIDIA):
Assisting people through voice assistants like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, etc. : Through an ecosystem of “smart” and / or connected products, the user no longer has to carry out the research or manipulation chosen himself, but these assistants do it or have it done in his place.
Securing community platforms: on its YouTube platform, Google has for example set up artificial intelligence tools that can detect violent and / or extremist content and then block it.
Copyright: for several years now, thanks to artificial intelligence, AmazonWebServices or YouTube can automatically detect visual and / or audio content embedded in a video to warn its publisher that it contains works under copyright.
Personalized music streaming: thanks to machine learning made during the musical listening of different users, most music streaming applications are able to offer personalized playlists according to the tastes of their users.
The ecological transition and particularly in agriculture: “[AI] makes it possible to rationalize the farms, to optimize the yield and to contribute to the reduction or suppression of the insecticides and chemical products by detecting the proliferation of diseases or insects as soon as possible. It also helps to better measure and predict ecological disasters in an attempt to prevent them and reduce the risk of damage.” ActuIA.com – https://www.actuia.com/domaine/environnement/
(source NVIDIA)
“Using intelligence to make the world a better place” is the slogan of DeepMind, artificial intelligence created by Google. However, artificial intelligence does not always have a philanthropic vocation …
The Dark Side of Artificial Intelligence
The use of artificial intelligence is sometimes disputed for ethical reasons, particularly because of its great potential …
Among these ethical questions, it is possible to mention:
The question of the replacement of man by the machine that lets us ask if it is evolution and adaptation or sometimes simply profitability at the expense of men’s work.
The profiling of personality and privacy to feed the Big Data and offer companies that use it an unprecedented commercial strike force.
The impact of machine errors with AI or else distorted learning for ill-intentioned purposes: MIT students have created a “psychopathic” AI called Norman via a “negative” apprenticeship (from a database of violent and morbid photos only retrieved from Reddit). To discover Norman or to help it modify its idea, it’s here: http://norman-ai.mit.edu/#inkblot
“Smart” decision-making, ie without any human intervention that could be a risk, especially if it is applied to the military field.
Intelligent hacking of personal data for malicious purposes.
The hacking of learning bases for ill-intentioned purposes: for example to confuse the intelligence of autonomous cars and make vehicles dangerous when they are in circulation.
(source Keen Security Lab)
The generation of texts and articles autonomously in the service of the media:: https://www.lesechos.fr/21/11/2018/lesechos.fr/0600180558102_l-intelligence-artificielle-s-invite-dans-les-medias.htm
Its application to the military field (particularly for the sending of intelligent robots and decision making without human intervention).
More than 1,000 business leaders, including Elon Musk, and scientists, including Stephen Hawking, wrote an open letter in 2015 to completely ban the use of AI in the field of armaments. For more information on this letter: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jul/27/musk-wozniak-hawking-ban-ai-autonomous-weapons or to read it: https://futureoflife.org/ai-open-letter/?cn-reloaded=1
In the next article, we will focus more specifically on AI in the field of photography / video / timelapse. Feel free to share this article if you enjoyed it.
Enlaps, with its innovative solutions like Tikee timelapse cameras, uses AI to optimize project monitoring, content creation, and data analysis, meeting the needs of professionals in various sectors. To learn more about our products and solutions, visit our website.
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