Environment and sustainable development

Environment and sustainable development

In view of the electronic nature of our product and its significant environmental impact, Enlaps strives to implement several other means of reducing this impact.

Local Economy

Local Economy

22 of our suppliers are located in France, including 11 in Isère, where Enlaps is based.

Tikees recycling

Tikees recycling

When your Tikee camera is no longer usable, or you want to upgrade to the next model, Enlaps offers to take it back in exchange for a credit that you can use on your next purchase.

If the camera is no longer in working order, we'll take care of recycling it responsibly.

Planet Watch by Enlaps

Planet Watch by Enlaps

To mark the International Year of Glacier Preservation, Enlaps launches Planet Watch, an initiative dedicated to the collection and analysis of environmental data using Tikee timelapse cameras. Enlaps provides the scientific community with environmental monitoring solutions tailored to the needs of researchers and glaciologists worldwide.

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Construction Month ▶ up to 20% off* | WEBINAR: Construction & timelapse ▶ Register here


Construction Month ▶ up to 20% off* | WEBINAR: Construction & timelapse ▶ Register here


Construction Month ▶ up to 20% off* | WEBINAR: Construction & timelapse ▶ Register here